Submitted by Gretchen Muller
8:15 AM ELA passed.
20 minute break to review math documents before any further discussion.
8:45 AM
Bruce Grip – Doesn't want to loose the ability to have integrated courses in the high school.
Scott Farrand and Heather Calahan presented a revised version of their plan.
These are the Algebra 1 standards whether they are in 8th grade or not. This is what all students need to know after completing.
Scott Hill – public statement. Heard that there was general agreement about what constitutes 8th grade standards. Adopt an 8th grade standards package and let the SBE define through the framework what would be 8th grade and what would be Algebra.
Heather Calahan – trying to work out a compromise. Yesterday, tried to present a starting place for conversation. What we put forth yesterday was not meant to be perfect and a final product. Right now want to look at 8 CA standards that we feel need input from the commission. Discussion has been limited to 5 minutes per item.
10:10 AM Discussion about the standards of mathematical practice.
10:15 AM Discussion began on considering the SCOE additional 15% considerations at grade 2.
11:35 AM break (done with 3rd except one standard that needed language added)
11:45 AM Continue discussion on 4th grade CCSS
12:45 PM Break for lunch
1:15 PM Public comment by Gretchen Muller regarding that our current state standards are based on information and research that is 15 years old and that since then we have learned a lot more about international comparisons and how children learn. The CCSS have taken this new information into account and she would hope that the commission would take that into account. While CA standards may have been world class when they were designed, a lot has changed. Also the job of how we educate our children does not stop with the standards. The process continues with the development of the framework. The standards tell us what and the framework tells us how. A lot more detail can go into the framework that addresses the concerns you have as well has giving guidance to publishers to develop the instructional materials. The framework committee will have people just as passionate and committed as you with many opportunities for input and more time than you have been given to look at these standards.
continue discussion on 4th grade CCSS
Commissioners are getting frustrated by the tedious process of examining each of Wurman's suggestions, many of which would change the intent of the CCSS.
1:30 PM finished with grade 4, finished the 3rd grade, begin discussion of 5th grade.
2:00 PM Scott Farrand proposed that in order to speed things up, that we go through the SCOE document and only address those proposed changes as they are most important.
Motion passes.
Public comment – Kathy Geither: Does the SCOE document alone adequately prepare students for Algebra in 8th grade? SCOE said yes.
2:15 PM discussion on 8th grade Algebra begins.
3:25 PM break
3:39 PM discussion of 7th grade standards, moving some of the 8th grade CCSS standards to 7th grade
4:10 PM Public comment Mary Alicia McCray spoke to repeated standards and the difficulty assessing repeated standards. Teach to mastery at the grade level.
Discussion about moving 7th grade standards to 6th. Discussion about interpretation of allowable moving CCSS standards "cut and paste" vs "copy and paste". Copy and paste interpretation won.
4:50 PM Pat Sabo moved to approve the 8th grade CCSS as written.
Kathy Geither adopt a comprehensive mathematics package and not just an 8th grade.
Scott Farrand made an amended motion to include the 8th grade CCSS and the 8th grade Alg package.
Motions passed.
5:30 - 8 pm Not Present at the meeting. continued discussion on 5-7 standards and began discussion on HS standards. Decision to continue working until midnight at the latest. Discussion on HS standards postponed.
8 PM – Chuck Weis moved to adopt the K-7 standards as amended. Scott Farrand congratulated the commission on getting to this point. Both Bill Evers and Ze'ev Wurman are against the proposal. They don't think it is good enough.
Public comment by Pat Rucker CTA is concerned that a two track system has been created in grade 8 and about to approve K-7 standards that will feed into that tracking system.
Motion passed.
8:30 Chuck Weis moved to adopt the ELA introductory documents. Bill Evers is opposed as he thinks it is not part of the standards and out of their perview.
Several people are speaking in favor of adopting as this is the only document in the ELA portion of CCSS that mentions English Learners.
8:48 Scott Farrand issue before the house is HS math. He would like to use the document he and Heather put together.
9:05 discussion started on HS standards. This has been limited to 75 minutes. Tempers are starting to flare.
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