Friday, November 27, 2009

CA Long Term Math: URGENT. Reply requested.

Greetings to our CMC members!

Recently, there has been some exciting activity at the state level. In August CMC was invited to participate in the development of California's Long Term Mathematics Policy. This draft policy document is ready to be released for public comment. Please use the link below to view a video presentation outlining the recommendations for better coordination of efforts in the area of mathematics instruction in our state.

Each member of this work group has been charged with providing feedback from its constituents; for CMC that means you, our mathematics teachers and leaders. After you view the presentation give us your thoughts by completing a survey. You have one week to provide this crucial input.

Start with the video at
Complete the survey by Sunday, Dec 6 (two days beyond the deadline given in the video).

Thank you for your valuable assistance in setting these policies.

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California Mathematics Council
PO Box 880
Clayton, California 94517-0880

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CMC Partners with Math Solutions

CMC and Math Solutions are partnering together to provide intensive summer professional development to California teachers, coaches, and administrators. Two sessions, one in southern California, and one northern California, will be offered. Visit the Activities Section of the CMC website.